In spite of holiday season, this month Polish animated films have a chance to win more festival awards.

Today, on August 5, starts CyBorg FF, in the programme of which a large representation of Polish shorts is included. We will see the following films there: "The Gentle Giant" by Marcin Podolec, "The Rivers" and "Gucio Zaczarowany" by Daria Kopiec, "Laboratorium" by Natalia Nguyen, "Kinki" by Izumi Yoshida, "Jazz" by Leszek Gałysz and "Gyros Dance" by Piotr Loc Hoang Ngoc.

Another Italian festival is Luciania FF, at which "Creatures" by Tessa Moult-Milewska will feature. The film will be shown in August four more times: in Serbia at the 44th Krajlewo FF, in France at Limoux En Short, in Kosovo at Anibar and at Short to Point in Romania.

At the Anibar festival, the following films will be also shown: "Foreign Body" by Marta Magnuska, "I, the Animal" by Michalina Musialik, "Fury" by Paulina Wyrt, "Debiut" by Katarzyna Kijek, "Leaven" and "Gyros Dance" by Piotr Loc Hoang Ngoc. In the screening of children's film, "Home Rhymes" by Robert Turło and Mikołaj Pilchowski will be shown.

The animated film "A Documentary Film" by Marcin Podolec will be also shown three times this month – first, it appears at Rooftop Film in the USA, later at Sarajevo Film Festival, and next at Sao Paulo International Film Festival in Brazil.

In France, there are a couple of festivals which invited Polish animated films to their programmes. At Limoux en Short Festival, "Don't Lose Your Head" by Karolina Specht and the aforementioned "Creatures" will compete for the awards, whereas at the festival Silhouette. we will see "Gyros Dance" The third French festival, at which Polish films will be screened, is the Festival International Du Film Nancy-Lorraine. There, the animated film "Beside oneself" by Karolina Specht will vie in the competition.

"Woolen Cogwheels" by Bartosz Kędzierski will go to the Alpinale Short FF. Whereas "Domestication" by Sylwia Gaweł is invited to the Danish festival in Odense. This animated film also appears in the programme of the Japanese festival in Hiroshima, where "Impossible Figures and Other Stories II" by Marta Pajek and "Sexy Laundry" by Izabela Plucińska will compete for the awards.

You can also see Polish animated films at the festival in Tel Aviv, where "Moko" by Marta Szymańska will be shown, and at Animaze Montreal IAFF in Canada – where the Polish representation consists of "Magic Forest" by Artur Marcol and "Stone story" by Marcin Giżycki.

The up-to-date list of animated films at international film festivals is here.