The animated short by Tomek Popakul and Kasumi Ozeki scoops second prize at the Lille International Short Film Festival.
Last night, we learned the winners of the Polish Film Institute Awards. One of the statuettes went to the Krakow Film Foundation, which was recognized for its efforts in promoting Polish cinema abroad.
The nominations for the Polish Film Institute Awards have been announced, with award trophies set to be presented for the 16th time across nine categories. The Krakow Film Foundation, organiser of the Krakow Film Festival, is in the running for an award recognising the promotion of Polish cinema abroad. The winners will be revealed on 25 September during the 49th Polish Film Festival.
Tomek Popakul and Kasumi Ozeki's film secures yet another accolade. The production by Yellow Tapir Film has been crowned the best professional animation at the Turku Animated Film Festival.