Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała begins the preparatory works for the construction of the Interactive Fairytale and Animation Centre "The World of Fairytales."

In accordance with the decision of the Minister of Culture, in the near future AFS will receive the first grant to develop the documentation on design and cost estimate of the Interactive Centre. At the end of August, the agreement with Polish Architects Association was signed to organise an architectural contest for the Interactive Fairytale and Animation Centre. The contest will be announced this month. According to the objectives, "The World of Fairytales" by AFS is going to be a combination of an interactive, modern museum and an amusement park, typical for expositions by the foreign film studios.

The Centre will be created on the base of the artistic output of AFS, founded in 1947, where over a thousand films were made. The first film for children, which was made in AFS, was "Wilki i niedźwiadki" (1950). It turned out that there is a huge demand for animated film. In the Studio, thousands of films were made. Over 200 of them won awards at home and abroad. Reksio, Bolek and Lolek, the Blue Knight, professor Gąbka, Bartolini Bartłomiej or the Wawel Dragon are the protagonists of the most famous Polish animated films. The use of modern multimedia techniques will result in creating an extremely attractive entertainment and education centre in Bielsko-Biała, which offers learning by playing for children and entire families.