Three Polish animated films will be shown at the festival KLIK! in Amsterdam, from October 25th to 30th
This year, the ninth edition of the short animated film festival KLIK! will be held in Amsterdam.
In the main competition, "Gyros Dance" by Piotr Loc Hoang Ngoc will be shown, a tale about the employees of a kebab restaurant, and "Foreign Body" by Marta Magnuska, in which the director shows a story about things, which seem foreign and strange, but in reality they are close to us - about the internal and the external transformation.
In the animated documentary film screening, "The Gentle Giant" by Marcin Podolec will be shown. The protagonist of the film goes to a poetry competition. To pluck up the courage and defeat his own demons, he looks deep into his memories. It is a film about one small step for mankind, but a giant leap for a man.
You can find more information on the organiser's website.