This year, the Animated Film Festival in Annecy will be held from 13 to 18 June. During the screenings, as many as four Polish films will be shown.
The festival in Annecy is one of the leading festivals in the world, presenting animated films. This year, 2700 films produced in 85 countries were submitted to participate in the 40th edition of the festival. Over 200 short films are invited to four competition sections and non-competing sections. In Annecy, the films will compete for the best short film award, the best television film award, the best commissioned film award and the best graduation film award, and the best of them will get the Cristal awards.
In the graduation film competition, Michalina Musialik will compete for the award with her film "I, the Animal." It is a short animated film for adults, telling the story of a fight between two beasts. It was made in the Lodz Film School, and in the graduation film competition, it will compete against 53 films from around the world.
In the section dedicated to television productions, "Basia" - an animated TV series produced by Grupa Smacznego, based on the series of books by Zofia Stanecka, Marianna Oklejak and Dorota Nowacka - will be shown. The director of the series is Marcin Wasilewski. "Basia" will compete for awards for the best television production with 28 films.
In the non-competing screening, "Signum" by Witold Giersz and "Perpetuum Mobile" by Piotr Kamler will be shown. Apart from Polish productions, in this section, there will be 31 short animated films, among others, from Germany, Estonia, Taiwan and Ecuador.
This year, once again, a delegation of Polish film-makers and animated film producers will be present at the MIFA market, held simultaneously with the festival. Krakow Film Foundation, with the support of Polish Film Institute, will be the organiser of the Polish stall Polish Animations.
The list of films qualified for the feature-length film competition will be announced at the end of April.
You can read more about the festival here.