The animated film by Małgorzata Bosek-Serafińska was honoured with the Special Award for Artistic Merit – in memoriam of Wojciech Juszczak at the recently finished 12th International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR in Poznan.
International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR is a festival which qualifies for the Academy Awards. It is the largest cultural event in Poland, dedicated to the animated film. Over a thousand animated films from 64 countries, among others, from Costa Rica, Cuba, Kuwait, Macau and Martinique, were submitted to the international sections at this year's edition of the festival.
From among the submitted applications, the selection panel chose 44 films. There are also Polish films among the selected productions: "The Hunt" by Mateusz Jarmulski, "ACID RAIN" by Tomasz Popakul, "Idol" by Grzegorz Koncewicz and Marek Serafiński, "Story" by Jola Bańskowska, "Last Supper" by Piotr Dumała, the co-production "Portrait of Suzanne" by Izabela Plucińska and the award-winning animated film by Małgorzata Bosek-Serafińska.
"Year" is dedicated to the memory of Marek Serafiński, a director and animated film producer, and privately, the director's husband. It is a graphical and sound diary, made of everyday paper waste, such as labels, price tags, tickets etc. and packages of cigarettes, burned by one cigarette addict in six years and gathered by one collector. It depicts the extent of the smoker's addiction, the determination and some kind of an addiction of the collector and the passage of time in the weird symbiosis of their life together.
In the Polish competition, the winner is Piotr Dumała and his new animated film "Last Supper." In turn, the best debut film award went to Piotr Milczarek for the film "The Rain."
The full list of the award-winning films can be found on the festival's website.