The jury of Anima Mundi - the International Animation Festival of Brazil, held in Rio de Janeiro, appreciated the animated film "Signum" by Witold Giersz.

Anima Mundi - the International Animation Festival of Brazil is one of the most important animated film festivals in South America. The festival is accompanied by Anima Forum  - meetings of animated film artists. The jury of Anima Mundi - the International Animation Festival of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, held from October 25 to 30, awarded "Signum" directed by Witold Giersz as the best animation technique.

The film "Signum" is an impression about cave painting - the art manifested in works of unrepeatable expression, using simple but at the same time, extremely sophisticated means of expression. It is the record of the experiences of the contact with the artistic culture of our ancestors, with the first attempts at making the dead drawings and paintings come to life.

Witold Giersz is the author of over 60 animated films. His career began in the second half of the 1950s., when Giersz started to co-operate with the Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała. His first successes included the films "The Horse," "Mały western," "Czerwone i czarne," made in Studio Miniatur Filmowych in Warsaw. He is the winner of numerous awards, given in Poland and abroad. In his animated film, Giersz uses patch of colour in a characteristic way. Though he often makes his films using various techniques, they are united by consistent imagery and recognisable use of colours.