In August, Montreal Animation Film Festival ANIMAZE is held. In the programme, there are two Polish animated films.
Animaze is one of the most important competitions on the map of international animated film festivals. During the festival, an industry conference on technology is held every year. This year, the programme will be dedicated to the new technologies: VR, AR, the visualising technique of "projection mapping" and 360º image technology.
In the film review, chosen from among other films, selected from the hundreds of submissions, there are two Polish films: "Stone Story" by Marcin Giżycki and "Magic forest" by Artur Marcol.
Stone Story is an experimental, short animated film by Marcin Giżycki, made in 2016. Marcin Giżycki is a director, film historian, author of books about animated films and the director of the International Animated Film Festival Animator.
Magic forest by Artur Marcol is a story about the charms and temptations of an enchanted forest. The main protagonist, the crazy and unrestrained Squirrel invites her friend Hare to experience an unforgettable adventure in the eponymous forest. The protagonists fall into the temptations of the enchanted forest, but at some moment, the idyll and joy comes to an end and their friendship is put to a test. "Magic forest" is a bitter story with a sweet icing, a story about choices and the power of desire.
The Animaze Festival is held this year from August 18 to 21 in Montreal. You can find more information on the organiser's website.