The animated film directed by Joanna Rusinek has won the second prize at Italy's 24FRAME Future Film Fest!
24FRAME Future Film Fest is an exceptional event that champions fresh talent and innovative approaches to the art of cinema. With its focus squarely on the future of cinema, the festival showcases bold and experimental projects from young filmmakers across the globe. The programme features a diverse range of fiction films, documentaries, and animations that take up pressing social and technological issues.
This year's Second Best Short Film accolade went to animator Joanna Rusinek for her Nabu. The animated short revolves around Nabu and her brother. The children live in a remote village somewhere far, far away. One day their village falls victim to a brutal attack, leaving it razed to the ground. Amidst the chaos, the siblings are separated, compelling the young girl to embark on a solitary journey. She sets off clutching her brother's favourite toy. Nabu's path is fraught with obstacles, including encounters with soldier-customs officers guarding invisible borders. Despite these challenges, she manages to secure a place on a boat amongst other refugees. A massive wave hurls Nabu overboard, leaving her drifting alone, enveloped by darkness. On the opposite shore, vacationers sunbathe on the beach. No one notices the small toy washed up by the waves.
You can read more about the festival here.