A satiric animated feature based on a cult Polish comic about an urban Hedgehog, George who gets in trouble with a mad scientist, two Neo-Nazi skinheads and a lunatic clone of himself. After its premiere at SXSW, “George” was the first animation film to screen in competition in Karlovy Vary. It was invited to 40 international festivals and won Grand Prix of SICAF in South Korea.
- animation
- 80'
- 2011
Wojtek Wawszczyk, Jakub Tarkowski, Tomasz Leśniak
Rafał Skarżycki
Wojciech Włodarski
- Jan Duszyński, Jacek Szymkiewicz
- Warszawska Szkoła Filmowa, Human Ark, Film Produkcja, Paisa Films
he is a graduate of Łódź Film School and Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg. His first short films "Headless" (1999), "Mouse" (2001), "Fly-away Penguin" (2002) and "Splinter" (2007) have called attention and won awards around the world. He has been working at the renowned Digital Domain studios in Los Angeles as an animator for the Disney productions "I, Robot" (2004) and "Aeon Flux" (2006). In 2011, his feature film debut "George the Hedgehog" was released in Polish cinemas. Wojtek has an unique ability to balance between a distinctive artistic style – acknowledged by numerous international awards for his films – and his awareness of creating content for a wide audience – achieved through his work in mainstream productions and by directing over 100 commercials.
is a graduate of Łódź Film School. Works as director, animator and storyboard artists. Author of several animated short films. In 2003, he won a Ridley Scott Award (SFX category) for the storyboard of the full-length animated film "Le Bab". Kuba worked for the London based Moving Picture Company, preparing layouts for "Harry Potter IV", and as a VFX animator for "Kingdom of Heaven". He is a co-director of "Goerge the Hedgehog".
he is a graphic artist, cartoonist, and animator. Winner of numerous comics and illustration awards. He graduated from the Graphic Faculty of the European Academy of Arts in Warsaw. Together with Rafał Skarżycki he created the hugely popular comic series "George the Hedgehog" and "Tim and the Master". Tomek is one of the directors of the film "George the Hedgehog" and has recently created a highly successful campaign for the Polish Ministry of Environment. Currently, he is working on the TV series "Tim and the Master", based on his comics.