At the 7th international animated film festival in Pernambuco, which has just ended, one of the awards went to the film "The Deal."

The international animated film festival ANIMAGE is held in Pernambuco, Brazil since 2008. During this year's edition, one of the awards was given to the film "The Deal" by Ewa Smyk.

"The Deal" is a short animated story about arranging marriages at the turn of 1950s and 1960s in the Eastern-Polish borderlands. The script is based on a fragment of the diary by Mikołaj Smyk, the director's grandfather. The objects featuring in the animated film (the authentic headscarf, Polish and Russian books and the diary) help to place the story in its original environment, and also to express the atmosphere of these times. The film is an extremely personal reflection on the subject of the meanderings of memory and about objects which evoke memories.